Instructions for Authors

I. General Guidelines

1. Aims and Scope

The mission of the Journal of Korean Society of Transportation (JKST) is to conduct, assemble and to distribute scholarly research on road, rail, marine, air, and logistics transport to contribute the improvements of engineering, economics, planning, management, and policy aspects of transportation.

2. Publication Type

Papers can be classified into Article, Note, and Review according to their attributes.

3. Publishing Category

Articles to be published could be categorized into “Part A: Transportation Policy and Empirical Study” and “Part B: Theory and Methodology in Transportation”. Authors can select the category, although editorial committee makes a final decision.

4. Qualification

Authors of paper are limited to the member of KST, while non-members are only permitted as co-authors. In this case, 50% of all authors should be the members, including first author and corresponding author. Membership fee should be paid properly in due course to submit papers or the papers will be rejected. All submissions must be previously unpublished papers which deal with original research work.

5. Submission

(a) Manuscripts should be original article and have not been published elsewhere. All Submissions should be made online at the homepage of KST (
(b) The language of paper is Korean in principle, whereas tables, figures, and references must be written in English.
(c) The volume of paper is up to 10 pages including tables and figures. Author could make a payment for each additional page up to 25 pages all told.
(d) All matters regarding paper and editing should get in touch with editorial committee.

6. Publishing Date

Since the first issue of the journal in April 1983, the journal is published bi-monthly. (Volume 1: 28 or 29 of February, Volume 2: 30 April, Volume 3: 30 August, Volume 4: 31 August, Volume 5: 31 October, Volume 6: 31 December)

7. Copyrights

The copyright or license of the publication of authors’ articles belongs to KST.

8. Publication Fee

1. general

(a) 60,000 won (for the three reviewers’ honorarium) should be paid at the time of submission.
(b) 60,000 won should be paid with publication. However, in the case of exceeding 10 pages, 20,000 won per additional page would be charged.

2. fast

(a) 300,000 won (for the three reviewers’ honorarium) should be paid at the time of submission.
(b) 400,000 won should be paid with publication. However, in the case of exceeding 10 pages, 50,000 won per additional page would be charged.

9. Review and Publication

(a) Submitted paper is to be reviewed by appointed reviewers by editorial committee. Publication decision or suitability is decided by the results of review.
(b) The judgment of review would be classified as four options: Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision (with resubmission), and Reject.
(c) Basically, three reviewers per paper will be selected.
(d) Rejection of a paper should be clarified with appropriate reasons and explanation of reviewer.
(e) Acceptance of publication fully follows the decisions of reviewers and editorial committee.
(f) Reviewers could exchange opinions with author through editorial member of the committee.

10. First Author, Corresponding Author and Processing Dates

On the last page of accepted paper, first author, Corresponding Author, submitted date, reviewed date, and due date for counterargument would be noted.

11. Authorship Ethical Issue

For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors ( can be applied.

12. Author’s Check List and Copyright Transfer Agreement

Author’s check list and copyright transfer information can be found in the Society homepage,

13. Contact Information on Inquiry

Korean Society of Transportation

Room 809, The Korea Science & Technology Center, 22,
Teheran-ro 7 gil, Kangnam-Ku, Seoul 135-703, KOREA
Phone : +82-2-564-9201-2
Fax : +82-2-564-9203
Homepage :
E-mail :

II. Manuscript Guidelines Template

1. Structure of the paper

(a) A paper should include the following parts: Introduction, The main text, and Conclusions.
(b) Introduction should states the objectives, scopes, methods, and expectation of the work. The main text contains problems analysis, theoretical backgrounds and solutions. In the Conclusions part, results are summarized and future research would be proposed.

2. Title

Title should be concise and informative. Title of paper, Name and position of Authors, the number of pages, and the number of Tables and Figures should be written on the first page.

3. Abstract

An abstract is presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. Korean abstract should not be more than 900 characters, and English abstract should not be more than 300 words. Five or more keywords should be provided by Korean and English, respectively.
※ Abstract should be edited by an native speaker.

4. Tables and Figures (written by English)

Figures should be provided using the highest quality format. Title captions with numbering should be attached on the upper side in case of Tables or lower side in case of Figures. (e.g. Table 1. Figure 1.)

5. Numerical Formula

Numerical formulas are not written along with the sentences. Subscripts and Superscripts of the formula should be recognized separately by inserting them half-row upper or lower, respectively. If required, the serial numbers of formulas should be expressed at the right side of the row where the numerical formula was applied. (e.g. y=ax2+bx+c (1))

6. Terminology

Technical terms should be basically written in Korean. Translation of transportation-related technical terms should be based on the Glossary of Transportation Terms, published by KST. In case of translated terms are not available, original terms could be written by Korean as pronounced while the original language is written in the following parentheses.

7. Footnote

Footnote should be used for the sentences that additional explanation is required. Number them consecutively throughout the article: using superscript arabic numbers after the last word of sentence that footnote is required. The position of footnotes is at the bottom of each page.

8. Cite or Referencing

(a) After the cited sentence, the name of the author(s) and publication year should be noted in the parenthesis. For example, TOD concept was pointed out well (Lerman, 1976).
(b) If the results of cited research are explained, the name of the author(s) should be noted with following of publication year in the parenthesis. For example, Lerman (1976) analyzed the reasons of the increase of real estate values with opening of subway in Toronto.

9. References (written in English)

Literature references shall be marked using the Roman alphabet. The surnames of the authors of literature shall be listed in alphabetical order.

(a) A thesis published in an academic journal: Author (Year of publication), Title of thesis, Title of the journal where it was published, Volume serial number, Sub-volume serial number, Publication agency, Page(s) where it appears.
  e.g. : Lerman S. R. (1976), Location Housing, Automobile Ownership and Mode to Work, TRR, 610, TRB, 210.


(b) Book: Author (year of publication), Title of the book, Publishing company(City, Country), Page(s) where it appears.
  e.g. : Stopher P. R. and A. H. Meyberg (1981), Urban Transportation Modeling and Planning, Lexington Books, 275.


(c) Report: Author (year of publication), Title of report, Page(s) where it appears.
  e.g. : The Korean Transportation Institute (2005), Research on Highway Capacity Manual Revising, 38.


(d) Webpage: Description or Title, URL, Accessed Access Date Access Year.
  e.g. : Traffic Statistics,, 2014.12.24.

10. Numbering System

Ⅰ. 1. 1) (1) ①

11. Unit

Use metric system. Cited tables that using SI or ft-lb unit also accepted.