Publisher Information
1. Name of the Society
Korean Society of Transportation
2. Establishment and Corporate Registration
Establishment: 18 November 1982
Corporate Registration: 15 April 1989
3. Objective of Establishment
The society contributes to the development of transportation engineering, economics, planning, management, administration and policy by studying and applying academic and technology related to transportation such as road, railway, shipping, aviation and distribution. It also aims to contribute to the development of the nation by promoting friendship among members.
4. Publication
Journal of Korean Society of Transportation (bi-monthly) - Year of Launching (April 1983), in Korean
Transportation Technology and Policy (bi-monthly) - Year of Launching (June 2004), in Korean
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (bi-monthly, SSCI published by Taylor and Francis) - Year of Launching (January-March 2007), in English
5. Membership
Regular members: 4,637 persons
Organization members: 141 groups
Institution members: 16 institutions